Buonvino Superjet Troubleshooting

Q: Why Should I use "Buon Vino" Filter Pads?
A: You should use Buon Vino Filter Pads because the micron sizes and consistency of Buon Vino Filter Pads have been designed to give optimal performance when used with Buon Vino wine filters. The flow rate of the pump is designed to work in conjunction with the Buon Vino Filter Pads to give you the best filtration possible. For more information, please visit the Filter Pads page here.
Q: I have no prime from my pump.
A: This particular pump works on a check-valve system. The check-valve is a functioning part of the pump and will deteriorate due to the acidity from the wine. It is easily replaced. By not allowing solid particulate like oak chips etc. to get into the pump your check-valve will last longer. This part will eventually need changing.
Q: I need a new motor because I am not getting any suction.
A: If your motor is running when you turn it on, you do not need a new motor. You need to replace your check-valve.
Q: My gauge is not registering.
A: Again, due to the acidity in wine the small plate that registers your pressure will deteriorate and you simply need to replace it. Unscrew the gauge to remove it and replace it with the new one. Make sure you put Teflon tape on the threaded portion, to prevent any leaking.
Q: I turn on my motor and it will not run.
A: All our motors have thermal protectors built in. This works in the same manner as a fuse in your house. This part can also be replaced. Please contact the retailer that sold you the filter or Buon Vino Manufacturing directly.
Q: I just put a new set of pads in my filter and my gauge shot up very quickly.
A: Check to see if you have placed your pads and/or filter plates in the filter housing correctly.
Identify the type of wine you are making to the grade of pad you are using. If your gauge rises quickly, this means that your pads are saturating quickly. You may need to filter with a coarser pad.

Do not start filtering from the bottom of your container, especially if you have sediment. The pump could draw the sediment into the pads and quickly saturate them. Start filtering about half way down your container.

The gauge increases in pressure proportionately to the saturation of the pads. The more saturated your pads get the more back pressure is created, therefore the higher the pressure on your gauge.


Always flush out your pump well after use and avoid getting solids into your pump. This will make your check-valve last longer.
Clean and dry off the whole machine prior to storage.
Rack your wine prior to filtering.
Lubricate your tightening screw with petroleum jelly or food grade grease. Keep the screw running freely.
Avoid getting liquid on the motor section.