Making Wine from Fresh Chilean Juice

Fresh Chilean Juices have been sugar corrected. You will need to check the acid level and add cultivated yeast. Be sure to thoroughly clean and sterilize all equipment with sulfite prior to contact with the must.

Step #1  Open the pail. Remove lid completely and replace lightly on top of the pail. If you wish you can transfer the juice to another primary fermentor. Add 1/8 teaspoon Potassium Metabisulfite per 5-6 gallons of must and wait 24 hours to proceed.

Step #2  Allow the must to return to room temperature (approx. 72-78 F).  Mix well and take a first specific gravity reading. Perform an acid test and adjust as necessary
++Add appropriate yeast to must.++

Step #3  Let the must ferment in the primary fermentor for the next 4 to 6 days. In order to follow the fermentation’s progression, at least every second day, take note of the must’s specific gravity and temperature. You can take the opportunity to slowly mix the must (this re-suspends the yeast and available nutrients contained in the must).

Step #4  Between a specific gravity of 1.030 and 1.010 you can now completely transfer the must into a sterile carboy or demi-john (of larger capacity in order to avoid possible over-spills from the still active fermentation).  Add nutrient and top-up at this point. Apply an airlock containing a standard solution of potassium metabisulfite and let the must ferment for one (1) week. Continue taking your specific gravity readings at least every second day.

Step #5  If not using malo-lactic culture proceed to step 5A at specific gravity of 0.990 to 0.992.  If using a malo-lactic culture proceed to step 5B at approximate specific gravity of 1.000.

       5A: Rack the wine in a new sterile carboy, this time leaving the sediment (lees) behind.  If not introducing a malo-lactic culture then add ½ Camden tab per gallon (crushed) at this time. If adding a clearing agent do so at this time.  Make sure your carboy is now well topped-up (1 to 2 inches from the neck: if required, top-up with wine not water). Be sure to properly fix the airlock in place. Let set for 2-3 weeks to clear and rack again (taking care to avoid aerating or splashing) to remove the wine from the lees. Also helps to partially de-gass the wine. **Some wines may require a few additional racking to completely clarify.

    5B: Rack the wine in a new sterile carboy, this time leaving the sediment (lees) behind. If you wish to introduce a malo-lactic culture do so at this time. Remember that the malo-lactic fermentation will take several months to accomplish its task. In order to enhance the onset, it is preferable to store the carboy in a rather warm area (68-74 F).  The malolactic fermentation will manifest itself like a secondary fermentation by releasing minute bubbles of CO2. Temperature must be maintained until malolactic fermentation is complete. Make sure your carboy is now well topped-up (1 to 2 inches from the neck: if required, top-up with wine not water). Be sure to properly fix the airlock in place. When Malo-lactic fementation is complete, if you opt to add a clearing agent do so at this time. Let clarify for 2-3 weeks in a dark and a cool as possible place (the cold helps natural clarification and stabilization).  After clarification (2-3 wks) rack again (taking care to avoid aerating or splashing)  to remove the wine from the lees. Also helps to partially de-gass the wine. **Some wines may require a few additional racking to completely clarify.

**Optional – If desired, you can add oak at this time. (Oak chips, cubes, staves or spirals). Remove oak in 6-8 weeks or until desired taste is achieved. *Check frequently so as not to over oak.

Step #6  Your wine will now benefit if left to age and mature. Once wine has cleared, taste your wine. Your wine is now ready to filter and bottle. Rack again. In order to adequately protect your wine for its preservation, add 4 gr (1/2 TSP) of potassium metabisulfite and 1 gr (1/8 TSP) of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to the wine and mix well prior to filtering.  If no malo-lactic culture was added we recommend adding 5 gr of potassium sorbate to your 6-gallon batch of wine prior to bottling to prevent any possible renewed fermentation in the bottle. NOTE: Adding potassium sorbate is particularly important especially if you have chosen not to do a malolactic fermentation.

**It is possible, once in the bottle, that your wine will precipitate small crystals of tarter, commonly known as wine diamonds. This phenomenon is entirely natural and is not a defect. However, if you wish to prevent its appearance, discuss the matter with your Distributor. He or she will advise you on means of determining and preventing the manifestation.

Step #7  For the good keeping of your wine, always use a new, good quality cork. Now leave your wine to age gracefully in a dark and cool place. Its nobility, complexity and finesse will reward you for your patience.